This is a brand new product that is still in testing. The fit and function will vary slightly as the each Vortech mp60 guard is custom 3d printed on demand.
This is a fish & anemone guard that replaces the front guard of the Vortech MP60 wavemaker by Ecotech. The MP40 anemone guard provides extra protection over the original cover by helping keep your livestock safe from getting sucked up into the pump's impeller and chopped into sushi. The mp60 guard accomplishes this by increasing the surface of the pump intake suction and reducing the size of the mesh that the water passed through. The result is reduced water suction that could potentially pull in and kill livestock, without reducing the pump's water flow. Additionally, if a fish or anemone does get stuck onto the mp60 guard it is unlikely that the creature will get sucked through the small mesh holes and make it to the impeller. In this case, it is extremely important to turn off the pump and remove the creature as fast as possible. Prolonged exposure to the suction of the pump will eventually cause death
This Vortech MP60 fish and anemone guards are 3d printed in reef-safe PETG plastic. The MP60 guard will have visible layer lines and some minor flaws that will not affect the primary function of the guard.
To install the guard you have to first remove the MP60 front cover by twisting it just a few degrees to the right. Once removed you are going to install the guard in its place by lining up the shaft and tabs then pushing the guard on and twisting it to the left. You will not feel the guard snap into place but it will be secure.
This Vortech fish and anemone guards are also available for both the mp10 & MP40 wavemakers, visit the shop to check them out.
Click here to watch the MP10 creation video: (MP60 fish & anemone guard creation video is coming soon.